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Jackfruit bhaji with my twist

Jackfruit Bhaji Recipe with my twist About Jackfruit:- Ripe jackfruit is naturally sweet, with subtle flavouring. It can be used to make a variety of dishes, including custards, cakes, or mixed with shaved ice as es teler in Indonesia or halo-halo in the Philippines. For making the traditional breakfast dish…

Orange Art Factory Launch

Hi Friends, Orange Art Factory – Today I am very happy and swollen in pride to announce that we are launching Orange Art Factory. Orange art factory clearly focus’s on story writing for movie’s. Again it does not stop there, yes we are into direction…

Few of my Old clicks – Vinoth Kumar

Learn Photography:- After long time i saw these clicks, and seriously it gave me butterflies in my stomach 🙂 ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]   These are the moments when my brain use to fly. Those where really wonderful days. I miss my assistances. They…

Corporate Day Outing

Hi guys, i am proud to announce that we have created a separate department for corporate day outing & tour organisers operating in Coimbatore, Chennai and Bangalore (Bengaluru).  What we handle: Transportation Accommodation at star rated properties Sight seeing Team building Dj at Night Entertainment at…